How to Minister to the Modern Family With Amy Dolan

In the most recent issue of Children’s Ministry Magazine, Amy Dolan wrote a brilliant article titled simply, “The Modern Family.”  In the article, she explains that,

Simply put, loving and serving the modern family is a real requirement in all our churches.

In the article she writes about the need for churches to be welcoming places for children who are, increasingly, growing up in something other than the traditional two-biological parent home.

We are excited to announce that Amy will be our guest on Kidmin1124 Radio this coming Thursday night from 9:00-10:00 P.M. EST.   We hope that you will tune in here to learn from Amy.

As we announced a couple of months ago, Amy has also partnered with us here at Divorce Ministry 4 Kids to offer our Answers With Amy segment where Amy answers actual questions from our readers about ministering to children of divorce.  You can find out more about that segment here.

Tune in tomorrow night to find out what you and your church can do to better minister to the child of divorce and other children from modern families.