Welcome back to our series on dealing with the emotional impacts that divorce has on children. Thus far, we have looked at:
- Dealing With Kids’ Emotions In Divorce (An Introduction)
- Helping Kids With the Anger of Divorce
- Anxiety and the Child of Divorce
Today, we tackle an emotion that you may or may not have associated before with these kids, but one that I hear over and over again from kids themselves. That is CHAOS. Divorce brings a level of chaos into their lives that most have never know before and few are equipped to deal with. From changes in family structures to adjusting to two houses to a revolving door of step parents, “friends,” and other new family members, divorce brings chaos into the child’s life.
At Divorce Ministry 4 Kids, we have created the following infographic designed to help you help kids with the chaos that divorce brings into their lives (click on the picture below for a full size pdf version of the pamphlet).
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